A foreigner in Austria is called an ausländer; word for word translation ‘out’ ‘lander’. They sure picked a fitting word to describe exactly how I feel here as my life in Vienna slowly sinks in. I’m on the outside and they’re on the inside. Somehow I’ve gotta make this work ;)
Travel is apparently something I am married to. Committed to in good times and in bad, sickness and in health. I’m not sure I remember ever saying the vows, but here I am... sitting in a field in Vienna wondering how the hell my life lead me here.
Every once in a while I have these nostalgic days where I miss home and feel like I’ve abandoned my former life. I guess in some ways I have. I always ask myself why I chose to come here to Europe.Why I’m chasing the dream of being a world cup climber... why I’m trying to learn a new language and live in a culture that doesn’t always make sense to me.The truth is I am haunted by my decisions and I cannot rationally explain what I am doing here... in a field... in Vienna.I guess I’m a bird with an anatomical clock and compass that tells me when and in which direction to fly.
It’s funny to say it out loud, that the reason I am here is because ‘I follow my intuition.’ I mean... who really does that!? Well shucks, now I’m laughing to myself like a crazy person.... in a field.... in Vienna.

Great writing. Forget "growing up". Just follow your motivation and let it take you to higher places. You can definitely make finals at a world cup. It's climbing and just like life, it's mostly in your mind.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the kind words Zach :) It means a lot to me.